VELO 101 [English]
Eliminate contaminants from your aura, unblock your chakras and prevent unwanted external influences with the correct application of VELO . A step-by-step guide for you to enjoy amazing results.
Historical development of VELO
The VELO technique
Essential attributes of VELO
How VELO works
Difference between VELO and the Vibrational State
How VELO produces the Vibrational State
Preparing for the VELO session
Establishing the energy flow
Maintaining the VELO technique
Guided exercise 1
Identifying the attributes of VELO
Improving the quantity of energy moved
Controlling the speed of the energy moved
Establishing a complete energy sweep
Rectilinearity - Moving energy in a straight line
Improving the compaction of the energy wave
Guided exercise 2
Direct and indirect approaches to controlling energy
Active energy workout
Breathing during VELO
Sensing vs imagining
Improving your awareness of energy
Recognizing energy and bodily sensations
Sensing the flow vs performing VELO
Asymmetry in the energy flow
Possible sensations caused by moving energy
Hindrances in preforming VELO